I recently discovered a nifty little camera at Urban Outfitters. It's called the Pop-Cam and it takes pictures in that super cool pop-art style.
Anyways, I took it on a kind of boring trip to my grandparent's house in Western Massachusetts and I got some really cool dreamy shots with it. Of course, only 5 photos came out.
Well, it's all in the name of art. Anyways, enjoy.
wow, that's such a cool camera! all of your photos look super artistic!!
That cameras way cool :)
So much easier than doing it
on Photoshop :D
That's cool! Great camera and great work you did with it!
omg thats totally awesome! i want one! how much was it? btw, your blog looks awesome, wanna trade links?
awesome! thanks for visiting!
Nice post and cool camera. The pictures you took are quite nice. Thanks for commenting at my site =).
mwah ♥
I love the pictures.
Very artistic, love. Andy Warhol's an inspiration, ain't he?
Another great entry.
Keep at it!
cool pics! Urban outfitters, huh? Thanks for visiting my blog!
my friend got one of those camera and I never saw the pictures developed--now I know they were awesome.
i've been wondering if i should get that camera for a while now, but i'm afrais my pictures would come out as cool as yours!
love the photos! I've seen the camera and kind of wanted one for a long time. Now I definitely want one.
wow, it's soo cool.
i have one from urban outfitters too, it's kinda similar, but it takes 8 photos one after another and prints them all on the same photo. i have some great ones of me jumping in the air. but yours looks awesome too. =)
cool camera!! nice pics you took there ;)
I like it!!where i can buy one of those art camaras?
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