I'm not a professional sleuth or anything. I've just always kind of fancied myself a modern day Nancy Drew. Solving life's little mysteries one at a time. Besides, what girl doesn't want to be Nancy Drew, what with her fabulous wardrobe, zippy blue convertible and hinky boyfriend Ned?
By the way, just in case you're wondering, I'm refering to the old-school Nancy of the 30's to the eatly sixties. Most definitely not the Emma Roberts' so called version.

Basically, this is a blog by and for the girl who solves life's mysteries in heels and pencil skirt.
cool blog idea. i love vintage Nancy Drew books. ahh so cool.
Thanks for stopping by. I love, love, loved Nancy Drew books as a kid....and def. with you on the pencil skirts and high heels : )
Awww, I love the concept. Nancy Drew always knew what to do... twenty three steps ahead, I think she was, in a pencil skirt and high heels nonetheless!
Lovin' the blog.
Keep at it!
I was wondering if you want to do an interview for one of my blog( The Ice Coffee Book Club). It's wicked simple and all in good fun. Give me an email( myteenvogue@yahoo.com) if you are interested and i will send you the questions.
What fun! Nancy Drew all summer when I was growing up. ;)
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