I've been tagged! Thanks to Heather of Tango Pirates and Absinthe (http://tangopirates.blogspot.com/) and Sage, of MENTAL (http://mental-fashion.blogspot.com/). Sorry guys, I haven't quite mastered the art of links yet. Anyway, 7 interesting things about myself? Let's see....
1. The first outfit I remember really loving was from the first grade. It was actually tres chic! It was a white t-shirt, black fleece miniskirt, some type of black vest, white maryjanes and the best part, black tights with large white polka dots on them.
2. I am a self-confesssed francophile, and president of my school's french club. Sadly enough, I have never been to France, but I am hoping to participate in an exchange this summer.
3. The magazine that first got me into fashion was teen vogue. I still have my first issue, it was the March 2005 one with Emmy Rossum on the cover. I read it cover to cover on my trip to California over April vacation of 8th grade. Although I have now cultivated a love for more offbeat mags like Paris Vogue, Lula etc, Teen Vogue still has a special place in my heart and I still read it cover to cover every month.
4. I have two goldfish, named Sergeant Pepper and Princess Grace. They are pretty darn awesome.
5. My little sister is almost six years younger than me. I do have lots of typical "oldest child" behavior, such as assertiveness, more of a take charge attitude than my lil sis, and I'm really good at talking to adults.
6. I'm a very good listener. People say I can seem a bit of an enigma because they end up telling me their life stories, and they really don't find much out about me in the process.
7. I'm a total cinephile. Right now I'm really into european film from the 60's. Hitchcock is another perennial favorite, as are plenty of italian guys, Antonioni and Fellini, and surrealists (Bunuel).
8. Oops, I went over by one! But anyways, I am hoping to study communications/journalism/broadcast journalism in college, and hope to work in those fields when I grow up.
So now you know! The girl behind the pseudonym... Haha.
I feel like so many bloggers have been tagged by this already... so if you haven't been tagged, and you read Sleuth, consider yourself tagged!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
The Nancy Drew (Cocktail)
Friday, November 9, 2007
How to Get Nancy's Party Look

This Halloween, I dressed up as Ingrid Bergman circa Casablanca. However, I was shocked and dismayed to find that the only red lipstick I own is pretty old, and with mud undertones, as opposed to the traditional blue and purple.
Last week my mother came home from CVS with some great L'oreal red lipstick in True Red. If you have the funds however, rouge allure is always the best. The "CHANEL" stamped on the side is priceless.
Nancy seems like the kind of girl who wears pink lipstick by day, and red by night. That is also my lipstick philosophy.

I found this dress on Anthropologie, and it seems like a modern version of one of Nancy's cocktail dresses. She stuck to lighter colors generally, but this bold orange is to die for.

Add a pair of nude heels, and you're out the door as soon as Ned swings by to pick you up.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
My Life as seen by Andy Warhol

I recently discovered a nifty little camera at Urban Outfitters. It's called the Pop-Cam and it takes pictures in that super cool pop-art style.
Anyways, I took it on a kind of boring trip to my grandparent's house in Western Massachusetts and I got some really cool dreamy shots with it. Of course, only 5 photos came out.
Well, it's all in the name of art. Anyways, enjoy.
I'm not a professional sleuth or anything. I've just always kind of fancied myself a modern day Nancy Drew. Solving life's little mysteries one at a time. Besides, what girl doesn't want to be Nancy Drew, what with her fabulous wardrobe, zippy blue convertible and hinky boyfriend Ned?
By the way, just in case you're wondering, I'm refering to the old-school Nancy of the 30's to the eatly sixties. Most definitely not the Emma Roberts' so called version.

Basically, this is a blog by and for the girl who solves life's mysteries in heels and pencil skirt.
By the way, just in case you're wondering, I'm refering to the old-school Nancy of the 30's to the eatly sixties. Most definitely not the Emma Roberts' so called version.

Basically, this is a blog by and for the girl who solves life's mysteries in heels and pencil skirt.
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